Travelling down to East London ended up being better than I thought. I usually get really sick on buses and am miserable most of the ride. This time was a lot better. We boarded the bus in Pretoria around 5pm and went to the station in Jo-burg. On the way one of the drivers made an announcement about tickets and who should get off or stay on at the Jo-burg station. So according to what he said Joy and I were supposed to stay on the bus and go straight to East London. This is a little relieving as changing buses can be quite confusing at a busy station.
So we get to the station and I got out to make sure Joy's suitcase wouldn't get taken out of the bus. But there's this guy, trying to help, and he's just pulling everything out of the bus and not listening to anyone.
Ok fine, have it your way. I got Joy's suitcase and waited so I could put it back on the bus. Next thing I know, amidst all the confusion of people milling about with bags and wondering where to go, one of the bus drivers starts shouting for East London passengers to go to another bus up ahead. I was like,
what can't they make up their minds? I managed to call Joy who was peeking out the bus window and we grabbed out stuff and headed for the new bus. It was indeed going to East London and apparently taking a more direct route. PTL, at least we were on the right one. We were directed upstairs and were pleasantly surprised to find it much nicer than the first. The seats soft and comfy, you could push them back very far, and there were footrests--cool! We couldn't sit together but we settled down as best as we could and prepared for the next 10 hours or so.
I was so thankful for being in such a nice bus. I hardly got sick and was able to sleep a couple of hours at a time. We had two proper stops in the middle of the night. One at Bloemfontein around 12, and the other somewhere in the boonies (at a town that I can't remember the name of) a while later. It's nice to stretch your legs a bit especially on these looooong trips. The facilities are also a lot nicer, and easier to use since they're not in a moving vehicle.
Joy and I were able to witness a bit to the people we were next to. The lady I was sitting next to just had her sister pass on and now she was going home. And the lade across was a grandmother taking home two of her grandchildren. She told me a testimony of how the Lord protected her during a hijacking.
Our bus arrived in East London ahead of schedule. Very amazing as we had left late and had some long unexpected stops. Joy's phone battery had died so we borrowed a friends' to call the boys and tell them we had arrived. So that was our eventful, or rather uneventful, trip down to East London. Steve and Noah came to pick us up. I was so happy to see Steve and Noah teased about "capturing the moment with Kodak"--but I didn't care.
So East London here we are.