Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Cirque de Salazie

Located about 45 kilometers from Reunion’s capital city of St-Denis, Cirque de Salazie is the largest and greenest of the island’s three natural amphitheatres. This cirque is both rugged and beautiful, best described as a long, deep canyon, lined with more than 100 magnificent waterfalls and full of hills and valleys ripe for exploration.One of the most breathtaking sites of this cirque is the towering waterfall known as Le Voile de la Mariée, its many trickles of water said to resemble the tulle fabric of a wedding gown. Get your camera ready as you’ll want to remember this sight for years to come!Once you’ve hiked the hills and gone canyoning through Cirque de Salazie’s steep gorges, you’ll want to make a stop at the cozy village of Hell-Bourg. Hell-Bourg has been the recipient of France’s coveted “most beautiful French villages” award. This enchanting little mountain town is Creole culture at its finest, boasting enchanting Creole houses and colourful flower gardens that simply delight the eye. Be sure to tour Mansion Folio, opened to the general public, and providing an excellent example of Creole architecture and Salazie lifestyle. This town was also once famous for its thermal springs, not unlike neighboring Cirque de Cilaos. Though the hot springs have disappeared, you can still visit the Hotel des Thermes in Hell-Bourg.Finding a good time to explore Cirque de Salazie can be difficult at times as the area is often covered with fog and mist. However, if your schedule is flexible and you can find a sunny day, you’ll be treated to some of the most amazing scenery on the island. As a matter of fact, most residents and seasoned travellers believe that this is indeed the most beautiful of all the cirques.

Mommy, Vivi, Seb, Gina, Steve and I all went to Salazie one fine morning. We had to wake up at 7, something very hard if you're used to waking up at 10, so we could leave at 8. Salazie is about 2hrs from our house so we didn't want to leave too late. The view along most of the drive is so beautiful as you're driving through the mountains and there are waterfalls everywhere. After arriving in Hell-Bourg we decided to walk around town as typical tourists. Everything is so cute and perfect. We also wanted to go to Mansion Folio so we thought we'd walk around, have lunch and then visit there before it closed at 5. Even though it was boiling hot we had fun walking around town taking pictures at whatever caught our fancy. Every time we passed through a woody or more plant covered area Vivi and I would get attacked by mosquitoes. It was really quite annoying. Thankfully we had brought some spray so we regularly doused ourselves and tried to ignore the pests. After all that fun walking we went to a cozy little diner to eat lunch. We ordered mostly Creole dishes and sipped our punch while we waited to be served. When the lady brought out the food we were so surprised at the quantity! Well, who's to say no when it's such good food? We ate and talked, and ate some more. When we finally had enough we asked her to put the leftover in a dogie-bag. We were having so much fun all talking together. Mommy, Gina, and I would act as translators between Seb/Vivi and Steve. Steve spoke English and they spoke French so there was a lot of back and forth. We had so much fun at the resto that we lost track of time and ended up being there till 4:40 and by then it was too late to go to Maison Folio--to bad!

We stopped by the place just to make sure, but we were definitely too late. Oh well, we went to a little cathedral and further from the town we stopped at a lake. On the way home we passed by Cascade Niagara, a really awesome waterfall. I think even though we missed going to Maison Folio we had a fun time in Hell-Bourg. Voile de la Mariée

Waiting for cars to pass

Me and Steve in front of the Voile de la Mariée

Me, Gina, and our sister Virginie (or Vivi). The barrier was a funny height and we had a hard time getting up to sit on it. Gina had a dress and Vivi had a semi-tight skirt so it was real funny to watch them climb and try to sit. But we managed to take the photos anyway.

Petit caz. Some of the cute houses we saw while walking through the town.

Gorgeous view of the surrounding mountain peaks. You just look up and they're all around surrounding the village.

Me and Gina--Happy to be alive and eating such wonderful food. French people love eating and drinking, just get used to it.
The fooooooood!!!

Cascade Niagara

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

La Plage

L'Hermitage--lagoon beach. The waves in the distance are crashing on the the coral border. And the dark spots in the water are corals. You can see an amazing variety of fish swimming around, it's great fun.
At the little 'resto' where Papa and Mommy took us all to eat. (Virginie and Sebastien, Steven and myself, and Joy and Tim)
One of those silly photos I just had to post.
Enjoying the water and the sunset...

"Come and swim, the water's great!"

The lovers..
The other set of lovers..cute!

The real tourists--Tim and Steve.
Amazing sunset we got to see before we left for home.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


One day we had no planned outings we decided to make our own. The five Caroni sisters along with Cecile, Steve and Tim decided to go to St. Denis. We wanted to take the boys on a tour.We also decided we were going to walk all the way down the mountain. It took us about 45 minutes to get down to the city center and many of us had blisters by the end. First thing we did was to get a bite to eat. We ate kebabs at a little resto and stayed as long as we could enjoying the aircon and cold water. Soon it was time to continue our tour. We walked down the walking street checking out different stores. Everything here is so different from South Africa!The boys were "real tourists" for once in their lives and we made sure to take lots of pictures. We had a quick stop for some ice-cream then we decided to take the bus home. Steve and Tim enjoyed the bus ride, and the rest of us were happy to have a chance to rest our feet. We arived home after a 20 minute walk, (from the bus stop to our house). And that ended our day of being tourists!

Tim and Steve posing next to a quad they found on the walking street.

Tim and Steve displaying something in the shop that took their fancy.
Posing with a stuffed deer. When taking the picture I didn't realize the boys were making weird faces.

Dining in luxury.

There's always time for a kiss.

Waiting at the bus stop...

Steve enjoying his bus ride experience.

The view on the way back .

Thursday, January 15, 2009


It's finally time for vacations and here I am on a tropical island. A dream come true no? The Lord worked it out for Joy and I to visit our family in Reunion, and bring our boyfriends! I'll post pictures of the latest activities soon. Lots of love to all you back in S.A. I miss you all!

Above: satellite picture of Reunion for your benefit.


Kiara on Noah's motorbike. She loves it and begged to try it out for a while.

Big sister Kiara with baby Brendan in her dolly stroller. Can you believe it! He is a little big for the stroller but he loves it. I think he adores all the attention most of all.

Brother and sister having a little cuddle time.

Here's Brendan in the stroller again. He's such a happy baby, always laughing and smiling. One can't help but love those big blue eyes, pinch-able cheeks, and toothless grin.

Kiara and myself. This is just before I left for the ED seminar and I haven't seen her since. Gabe and Nora with the two kids went to the States for a family reunion. So I'll only see them again the end of Jan. I miss Kiara and Brendan...

And that's a little collection of pictures from the last few weeks.

ED Seminar

The ED Seminar was from the 4th to the 11th of January, and I had the honor of being an attendee! It was very inspiring to see so many teachers/educators all together in one place. There was lots to learn and plenty of material to read. You should see the book they gave us!!--It's a compilation of the classes plus some supplementary reading. It's a huge book.
I don't have any pictures as they're all on the main camera. But I got to meet lots of wonderful people, teachers from all over Africa. Many of them have years of experience and it was exciting to be able to talk with them and learn from them. The classes were for 2 hours in the morning and 4 in the afternoon. Besides the classes we also did other fun activities. We had a "free store" evening where clothes, shoes, toys, and games were displayed, and people could take what they needed and wanted. Another evening we got to see a few different educational books and material. The organizers displayed everything in an orderly manner and we had people explaining the books and where we could buy them. The last night we had a cocktail evening where everyone was required to come in "nice" evening attire. True to our nature it turned into a dance party and everyone had fun letting loose and swinging to the beat. God bless everyone who made the ED Seminar possible. Big thanks to each one of you and the part you played, big or small.
My prayer is to take home everything I learned from the seminar and put it into practice.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Unsung Heroes

This is for Leilani and Gina, and the others on the Mada Team. You are our unsung heroes! Working hard every day without a thought for yourself. Serving the Lord with your all in spite of the difficulties of being on a far-flung mission field. God bless you guys. I love and admire you so, so much.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Christmas/New Years 08

Okay, so it's not Christmas anymore. I know, I just wanted to put up some pictures since I haven't yet done so. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Years! For myself I have to confess that the last week(s) of December weren't so enjoyable for me. Yes, as most of you know I was very sick, so I missed out on a lot of the festivities. I tried to attend most things like Christmas dinner, but the pain ruled out most of the fun. I had a kidney infection, well I'm sure you get the picture. Anyway, I'm better now. And I actually got better in time for New Years so I got to enjoy the party...yeah!!! Because I was sick I have no Christmasy photos to share with you. But Joy and I had the bright idea to take these on the 31st, so there it is, me and the tree.