A lot has happened in the last little while, here are some updates:
Joy and Audrey went back to Reunion.
Having Joy and Audrey was so much fun! Audrey has grown so big and charms everyone around her. She is very playful and just thrived on all the attention she got while here. I miss both Joy and Audrey but I am so thankful for the time they got to spend with us.
Phil has the measles.
It's final! This time we know for sure that it's measles. He has the rash and all the rest of the symptoms. Please keep praying that it will be a very light case and that he won't get any secondary infections, and to be able to to sleep well at night. This is the second week that he's sick and in bed. It's been difficult especially for him as he's missing out on the World Cup excitement and activities.
FIFA 2010.
The kickoff to the World Cup has come and gone...I officially have "FIFA fever"! We went over to a friends house to watch the first match: South Africa vs Mexico. I was a bit disappointed at first as the SA team wasn't doing so well, but that goal by Siphiwe Tshabalala was just perfect. Then that evening we went out to watch France vs Uruguay at a nearby pub. I was one of the only French supporters....too bad! I almost wish I had painted my face and brought a flag along, just for fun...heh. I'm not really a patriotic person but the World Cup is one of those few times when it really comes out.
We're feeling a little "left out" here at home as we have no TV and we're not able to watch the matches. But thank God for internet! We have been following the games of interest online and so far it's better than nothing.
Good news is that all the work put into website and accessories for Playing2Win team members has paid off. As soon as Phil is better we're hopping to join the teams and meet fans from all over the world, and hand out the new tracts. Check out the site playing2win.com