Trois Bassins in St. Giles



Smile at everyone—yourself in the mirror, your boss, your family, strangers, co-workers, the clerk at the store. Smile, just because. Smiling creates friendship, acceptance, understanding, and it’s more fun! (Kalama Hochreiter )
Do something outside your comfort zone. Whether it’s talking to someone outside your social circle at a party when you’re shy, offering to help someone with a project that will require learning new skills at work, or trying a new ethnic restaurant instead of the usual Pie ‘n Burger, you’ll expand your horizons and, with them, your ideas about who you are and what you can do. (Liz Pruyn)
Stay open to learning. Be accepting of growth and change. There is something to learn every day. From an experience, a person you know, a book, a course, a film, your child, your parents…stay open. Life is about growth and learning. Growth and change bring us life. The more we learn, the more alive we are. And remember, your mind is like a parachute, it functions better when open. (Elizabeth McCollum )
4. Consider Points of View Other Than Your Own
If you judge people, you’ll have no time to love them; so try not to judge or make assumptions until you know the whole story. Be thankful for everyone you know. People are our greatest assets, so be kind and generous to one another. What comes around goes around. We tend to get back what we put forth, so if we plant seeds of faith in one another, we will receive an abundance of faithful friends. (Roberto Hemerez)
Let no one be invisible, some people spend their lives searching to be heard, appreciated, and valued. Sometimes it just takes 5 seconds to make someone’s day brighter. Whether it is asking how a person’s family is, or complimenting someone on their new haircut. Try not to let anyone go without stopping and showing interest in them. (Hannah Smith)