This evening Steve and I went to Spur to do the dinner hour. It's usually from 6:30--9:00 with the busiest time being somewhere in the middle. Tonight however, the restaurant was rather quiet and more on the empty side. So it was slow, not many people and not much business. I do prefer things being more busy as time flies when you're occupied and having fun.
Some of the people we met were sour, stuck up, or mean. Seeing people like this was a little discouraging to say the least. It's hard to keep smiling when people are rude and snappy. But all this just made me think: do I want to be like that?
Do I want to be remembered by people I meet as an unpleasant character?
Do I want to be remembered as rude and mean, selfish and unloving?
Do I want to be remembered as the person who ruined an other's day?
Do I want to be remembered as a pleasant and cheerful person?--Someone who's considerate, well-mannered, kind, and loving? I want to be remembered as the person who brightened an other's day! I want people to see Jesus shining through me.
When you really stop and think about it you choose who you're going to be. You can let circumstances get you down, cause you lash out at others, or; let it make you into a better person. Like the story of the two old people, you can choose to be bitter or better!
God bless you honey,KGFG! Like the song that goes: "If I could make someone's life brighter, is only Jesus in me." Yes, it will be worth it all! Keep smiling! ILY! XXX
you couldn't be grumpy, unpleasent, or mean even if you tried!! God said you'd be nice and BAM there you were:P
As for you being bitter....well I doubt it, but lets just ask steve(jk)
That's not really true, and you know I'm not always "nice". But by the grace of God I can change!
You're my role model Phil, I hope I can be as nice and friendly as you.
oh God no, she speaks blasphemy...don't ever try to be like me!! Heavens....stay as you are pls!!
And of course you're not always nice, no-one is, but still you're amazing regardless!
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