Today during our meeting, Brendan was sitting across the room on someones lap. He was staring at me with his "blank day dreamy" stare. (he daydreams a lot!) I smiled at him and tried to get his attention by shaking my head. I didn't work so I just blew him a kiss...
That did the trick! He smiled; his big, beautiful, irresistible smile and then gave a contented sigh. "Ahhhh!" Joy and Steve were the only others who got to see that. But it was so cute, so special it melted my heart.
That's really cute scene to imagine . Yes, there's power in a smile. It's just contagious and yes, it melts hearts too! Sweet Brendan!
....I've noticed this too, and it was then that I knew what I had to do. I perfected my own big, beautiful, irresistible smile! I brandished it in all its glory, at everyone I met of the fair sex, but alas, all it got me was laughter.....babies have it soooo easy =D
so true phil, so true. I think babies are given some magical power, or like Gabe says "they take cute pills"!
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