Brendan: 7months.
So cute! The cutest baby in the whole world. He going through teething, he has two teeth now, and he's being weaned! I can tell you he does not like it one bit. He hates drinking milk bottles but tolerates water. He loves walking, whether in his walker or supported by one of us. It's one of his favorite activities and can keep his happy when nothing else will. He also still loves the great outdoors and can entertain himself for a long time just sitting on the grass.

Kiara: 3 years.
We celebrated her birthday on the 22nd on this month, but it's actually on the 18th. There was a big plan for a party with all her little friends but one of the homes have measles and are in quarantine. Her parents made the day as special as they could and she had fun.
She's the best little student a teacher could ever have. She reads and writes so well. This last week she has really overcome her shyness barrier with reading to others. I found her showing off her new skill to a few people in the home! (I'm so proud of her) We try to do French every afternoon. It's so cute when she tries to pronounce the words. When she gets into it she starts asking me for the French names of objects, then she shows of to others at meal times. She's kind to Brendan and acts like a little mommy for him. I ask her to help watch him and the other day I let her feed him. She really enjoyed that! Sometimes there are little bouts of jealously especially when she sees the interesting baby thing he has. She wants to try anything that's his: his bottles, his baby mush, new cup,..etc.
And she's still very affectionate. She's always holding my arm, kissing it, or asks to give kisses and hugs.
Great kids. Great teacher!
Thank you Phil! The past weeks have been difficult with teething and weaning and all...hopefully this coming week will be easier. :)
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