Daniel, Praise, and daughter Florencia. They are raising funds to visit family(Praise's family). Here is a summary of their request, if you can't help financially you can keep their needs in your prayers:
Praise: So I asked Him if there was anything I could do to raise the rest of the funds necessary (as my great dream is that Danny and little Floppy can come with me to meet my family), and He showed me to write this little update and ask if anybody would be interested in helping me with what I need to complete the tickets and Flopy's paperwork (we need to get her a passport before she can travel). We're missing around 300 Euros, total. Like I wrote in my first request letter, our Home is not able to help with the trip, due to our financial situation, but they've encouraged me to shoot for it, GBT! So if the Lord lays it on your heart to help, we would be very, very grateful. Thanks a million!!! Gifts can be sent through the TRF to AR001, to Praise M. (of Danny). Thanks so much for your consideration!! I love you.
Big, big kiss, and a lot of love express to you from Argentina!!!
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