Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Shopping

Sara and I got stuck on the walking street, it was raining cats and dogs! Mommy and Joy were supposed to pick us up one block down and we had to make a mad dash through the rain. Thankfully we had an umbrella, so we ran together laughing the whole way. All the other shoppers were prudently staying under shelter and we were the only ones out in the rain. We caught a few strange looks but we were having too much fun to be bothered.
Dripping wet
"I'm singing in the rain" or more like laughing....
"It's raining and pouring"
Get a wiff of this!
Shopping in Carrefour...Letting Pailine's ipod down out the confusion in the store.
Pailine trying to hitch a ride on the trolley. We were actually helping Mommy with the home shopping.
Joy and Sara waiting in line.
A glimpse of the traffic jam of people blocking the aisles.

1 comment:

Anita said...

aw, looks like fun. So nice that you're all together for Christmas.