Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Last Saturday evening a few of us went out for a few drinks at a pub nearby. We drank, had fun, and took a few silly photos. "Drink up me hearties. Yo ho!"
With Joy and Anita, posing for one of those "pretty girlie shots". Of course the camera man is saying something ridiculous hoping you'll pull a silly face. That explains my grin.

"Ready, set, go! Glug, glug, glug..."

Warning! Warning! The hazards of drinking.

If there's any of you I haven't told yet, this is my boyfriend, Steve. So yeah, now you know.


Phil said...

you never told me.....hmmm...I don't like him, he seems alchoholicly inclined(yes I know its not a word):P

Why didn't you invite us?.....oh gosh my friends have become my distant acquaintances.....*sniff....

Phil said...

ok but all in all it looks fun....and ya'll look so durn spiffy...xxx

Stephie said...

Sorry we didn't invite you! it was one of those last minute things. anyway I already said sorry, but here it is in writing

Phil said...

no sweat stef:P.....I was just trying desperately to pretend to be hurt:D

Gina Rose Caroni said...

Teeheehee... don't listen to him, Nini, he's just jealous!